The BC NDP Green Agreement: What It Is and What It Means for British Columbia

In 2017, the BC NDP and the BC Green Party signed an agreement that would allow the NDP to form a minority government with the support of the Greens. The agreement was dubbed the “confidence and supply agreement” and outlined a number of policy areas where the two parties had common ground.

One of the key areas of agreement was on the issue of climate change. Both parties recognized the urgent need to address this issue and committed to taking strong action in British Columbia. This has resulted in a number of significant policy changes that have put BC at the forefront of climate action in Canada.

The BC NDP Green agreement includes a commitment to “aggressively pursue” a number of climate-related policies and initiatives. These include increasing the province`s carbon tax and investing in clean energy projects. The agreement also commits to phasing out the use of fossil fuels in BC and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

One of the most notable achievements of the agreement has been the introduction of the BC Clean Energy Act. This legislation set targets for the province to generate 93% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025. This ambitious goal has already seen BC become a leader in clean energy production, with a significant increase in wind, solar and hydroelectric power generation.

The agreement has also led to the creation of the Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council. This panel of experts has been tasked with advising the government on climate policy and ensuring that BC remains a leader in clean energy and climate action.

Critics of the agreement have argued that the NDP government has not done enough to fulfill its commitments. However, supporters point out that BC has made more progress on climate action in the past three years than it had in the previous decade. They also note that the pandemic has provided an opportunity to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, with the government investing in green infrastructure as part of its economic recovery plan.

In conclusion, the BC NDP Green agreement has been crucial in driving forward climate action in the province. By committing to ambitious targets and investments in clean energy, BC has become a leader in this area. While the government still faces challenges in meeting its commitments, the agreement has set the province on the right path towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.